20X average return on ad spend (ROAS) in the first 3 months.
Halina Torresan, Marketing DirectorSince we started working with the team, it's like a whole new world of possibilities has opened up for us! Their expertise and focus in paid ads makes them a key partner in achieving our growth goals. They are as passionate about achieving results as we are about our mission to eliminate single-use plastic.
Launch Filo cleaning tablets in Canada and generate sustained growth in online sales.
We ran traffic ads linking to different blog posts in order to educate potential buyers on responsible housekeeping and to democratize buying products in bulk.
This allowed us to increase the size of the website visitors audience and to create remarketing campaigns personalized to specific blog posts.
We ran lead generation campaigns to collect email addresses 3 weeks before the BFCM in order to expand our warm audiences.
Retargeted people who interacted with the ads with conversion campaigns during the BFCM sale.
We leveraged promo extensions to increase paid search performance.
during the 3-month period.
in the first 3 months with paid ads.