15X average return on ad spend (ROAS) in the first 3 months.
Marie-Helene David, Founder & CEOWorking with mint is like hiring a digital marketing manager for a fraction of the cost. They diligently manage campaigns, give us close follow-ups, understand the business, but most of all, we have fun working with them every week.
Launch Filo cleaning tablets in Canada and generate sustained growth in online sales.
We implemented a campaign strategy before, during and after Filo's appearance on the show to amplify its effect on sales.
A week before the broadcast, we ran traffic ads on Facebook/Instagram to showcase the product and to get the audience to watch the show that night. Audiences like "Entrepreneurs", "Dragon's Den" and "Women-Owned Business" assured low CPM and CPC.
During the broadcast, a brand protection campaign on search engines captured users looking for the brand with contextual ads.
Following the broadcast, we launch remarketing campaigns to retarget all website visitors brought by the show with personalized ads. We also set up a conversion funnel using the brand's appearance on the show to build trust around the brand.
Result 30 days after the show:
We implemented a multi-phase strategy to increase the brand's awareness in English-speaking Canadian provinces where the brand recognition is low and the competition is strong.
First, we ran traffic campaigns to increase online store visits and position the company as Canadian, innovative and eco-friendly. Conversion and remarketing campaigns then generated a continuous increase in sales from the ROC. Finally, we launched multiple ad variations in Stories and Reels to increase the brand's contact points with potential customers.
Results over 5 months vs. 5 months prior to campaign launch:
in 3 months
during the first 3 months vs. previous period
in 2021